Flat Earth

Flat Earth

I saw a t-shirt from Northern Sun that said:  “If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off by now.”

Now, I don’t want to denigrate the flat earthers (at least not out loud, because, say it with me, SCIENCE), but what if the truth is that cats — some of which sleep upwards of 22 hours a day — through their collective cat meditation capabilities, are actually keeping the earth in its gravitational tour around the sun by the power of their intention.  Cats sleep or the earth gets dropped out of its rotation like a hot potato.

Okay, that’s not science at all, but it seems like the likelier scenario for this cunning duo.

And if the dog knows, he’s not talking.

pjlazos 12.16.18

About Pam Lazos

writer, blogger, environmentally hopeful
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52 Responses to Flat Earth

  1. Stacey McStationary says:

    Thanks for your response. Your logical fallacy is: Appeal to Authority. A list of famous Masonic shills doesn’t prove earth is a globe. Nor does having a law degree!

    The fake rocket launch was a hoax to discredit Flat Earth.

    We don’t live in a democracy, we live in an authoritarian oligarchy, complete with a charade of voting every few years, that changes nothing.

    Now, back to the topic. Do you have any evidence that earth curves or spins? If not, you’re a flat earther, like everyone else! 🙂


    • pjlazos says:

      Not really sure where all your anger is coming from, but this is the last response I’m going to give you, just sayin’. If you look into space, all the other planets are spheres. Why would Earth be the only planet that’s flat? I’m not a scientist, so I can’t talk about the nitty gritty science with any kind of gravitas, but here’s a link for you: http://embracetheball.blogspot.com/p/flat-earth-tests.html Respectfully, have fun with your theories; I choose to believe the science. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Stacey McStationary says:

    Earth is flat, and SCIENCE proves it! But cats can’t push stuff off because we’re surrounded by an ice wall.


    • pjlazos says:

      Interesting theory. I’ll run it by the cats. :0)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Stacey McStationary says:

        It’s not a theory it’s a proven fact! Thanks for posting.

        Liked by 1 person

      • pjlazos says:

        Well, we will have to agree to disagree, I guess. 🤔

        Liked by 1 person

      • Stacey McStationary says:

        No, because I’ve looked into it a lot, and you haven’t looked into it at all. So we’re not on equal footing. It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a proven fact! 🙂


      • pjlazos says:

        I’m not sure what you mean when you say I haven’t looked into it at all, but I did take plenty of science classes all through school, at least until I went to law school, and I’m pretty sure Copernicus, Galileo, and by extension, Einstein, Neils Bohr and the rest have it right, unlike the guy who shot himself into the atmosphere in a homemade rocket and almost killed himself trying to prove the flat earth theory. But who am I to deny you of your opinion or even try to convince you otherwise. That’s the beauty of living in a democracy. You get to think what you want. :0)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. TA Sullivan says:

    Thank you for the smile…;-)

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Oh yes, I am a new subscriber, but so enjoyed this post. Being the mom of two cats and six Chihuahuas, 2 goldfish and two alien catfish, I can certainly appreciate the truth in this – we have already experienced being pushed out of our bed, and we also have to share all our pillows and blankets. The only positive bout it is that they make great heaters.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. jkaybay says:

    “If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off by now.”
    This gave me the best laugh of my day so far 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ellen Hawley says:

    Cats sleep 22 hours a day? Ours–Fast Eddie–swears they all need at lest 27 hours a day, which is hard to work in so it’s important that we not interrupt him when he’s sleeping.

    As soon as he wakes up, we’re going to have a talk.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Susan Scott says:

    the earth is flat
    the stars are square
    when cat not sleeping
    she gives me a stare
    that says feed me
    or else –

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Lol! There’s a story in this world of cat powers keeping the universe in check. 🙂 Bash loves your animals, by the way. Good morning! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Robyn Haynes says:

    Ha! Interesting hypothesis.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. lindasschaub says:

    Ha ha – you have a very adorable fur family Pam.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Adorable kitties and doggie! The cat that has adopted me would love to spend all her time sleeping or kneading on my lap forever! I’ve never known a cat that wanted so much togetherness. But when she stares at me I do wonder what’s going on plotting wise in that head of hers.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. KDKH says:

    What beautiful kitties!! And a good-looking dog— together, a fabulous pack!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. “but what if the truth is that cats — some of which sleep upwards of 22 hours a day — through their collective cat meditation capabilities, are actually keeping the earth in its gravitational tour around the sun by the power of their intention. Cats sleep or the earth gets dropped out of its rotation like a hot potato.”

    Pam, I predict that scientists are going to pick up on this idea, and that ultimately you will be proven right!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. TanGental says:

    I’m with you; cats aren’t the plaything of movie baddies without reason… they’re plotting. I know Douglas Adams told us the mice had organised the creation of Earth to determine the ultimate question but I think the cats set up the mice through a combination of hallucinogenic cheese and hypnosis to posit the question while they were off scouting out new lap-worlds that they could overthrow with their dastardly purr-cuteness combos.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Ken Dowell says:

    The dog doesn’t know anything. But he’s mighty suspicious.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. MariHoward says:

    Love it! Our cats def helping the planet keep rotating!

    Liked by 3 people

  17. cath says:

    Your cat theory sounds as feasible to me as the flat earth one. Nice post.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Lol. Couldn’t agree more. AND why not????

    Liked by 3 people

  19. You could be onto something here Pam – look at those two little cuties. They know something and they aren’t telling…..

    Liked by 3 people

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